I've been fascinated with underwater portraiture for several years now since I first saw the work of Kenvin Pinardy. His work is gorgeous, flawless, and ethereal. I was immediately drawn to weightless beauty of the images. After several years of studying techniques, reading on the who's, what's, and how's, I decided to have a go at it.
My sidekick camera would not work for this test because I do not have a housing unit for it. I wasn't sure if I would like the feel of shooting underwater, or the results, to be perfectly honest. So, in order to try this long awaited want of mine, I bought a little Pentax underwater camera. It shot fabulously, but I am now looking for housing units for my main squeeze, my beloved Nikon.
I contacted my model, Chelsea Draper, and told her about my crazy idea. I've shot with her several times before and I absolutely adore her willingness to try anything! Can you say perfect model? She was all for trying out an underwater shoot, a first for both of us, and she did fantastically!
I must admit this shoot was not only exciting, but tiring, exhausting, and utterly and completely addictive! I am already planning more. There is a certain kind of magic that takes place under that water, with no sound, all silence, while watching your subject move easily through the water. It is a great feeling to see what years of wants and planning come to fruition.
A very special thanks to the staff and lifeguards at our local pool for not only allowing us to shoot there, but for their enthusiasm about the shoot as well. They totally rocked!